Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Uh it's like blogs leaked and they know it, so yeah, you know what I'm thinking, that's why they stayed away.

I almost did a medication error


I looked at the new order, I saw Bisacodyl, I saw it was 5mg...  I went to check if we had that available, because I had an experience before that the drug I needed, it wasn't available... so good thing I checked, because it's not there

And I searched for it

And when I found it, I lucked out and I got about six tablets. I thought, I only need one, so might as well bring more because tomorrow, it will still be used (unless constipation was relieved)

So I gave it, one tablet.

And then, error!

Two heads are better than one, the second head successfully ran an error check parameter, and I saw it. I should have given more.

So, end of story, medication error averted ^_^

I feel I'm getting rusty, like I'm not to 100%
I need food to be alert
Why did I make that mistake...

I was looking at the computer while standing up. I asked someone, who was sitting in front of the computer, can we check the medication please, and then the window was opened, and I looked at it while standing up, so that's where the error was. My attention wasn't as full as it would have been had I been sitting directly in front of the screen. So how to solve this? Better wait my turn and sit in front of the screen. Or look at the dosage.

OK I gotta remember this.

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